Museu do Açude exhibits the collections of glazed tiles and porcelain dinnerware from Porto, oriental art and applied arts. The property in Alto da Boa Vista was acquired in 1913 and remodeled in the 1920s.

It is located in the middle of Floresta da Tijuca, in a 151.132m² area, which comprises four buildings. Museu do Açude was created in 1964, and since the 1990s it has adopted the integral heritage perspective, allying cultural to natural heritage.

In addition to the galleries, the Museu do Açude has the Permanent Installations Space, established in 1999. It is an open-air circuit that features works by contemporary artists Anna Maria Maiolino, Eduardo Coimbra, Helio Oiticica, Iole de Freitas, Lygia Pape , Nuno Ramos and Piotr Uklanski, curated by Marcio Doctors.

Minimum period


Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm

Use period

Daily rate: 10h

Value per period

R$ 200.00/hour. Over 5 hours, daily rate of R$ 2,000.00

Estrada do Açude 764 , Alto da Boa Vista

Location managed by Anna Paola Bapstista

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