Centro Cultural Professora Dyla Sylvia de Sá

The Municipal Cultural Center Professor Dyla Sylvia de Sá was created in 1998, on the site where the Chapel of São Thomaz de Aquino, the protector of schools, was located, built in 1941. The name of the cultural center was suggested by the residents of the community themselves, as a tribute to Professor Dyla Sylvia de Sá, who promoted and encouraged the importance of books in the life of citizens.

The space features a multipurpose hall with seating capacity for 200 people and an outdoor area with a garden.

Minimum period

To be consulted.


To be consulted.

Use period

To be consulted.

Value per period

To be consulted.

R. Barão, 1180 - Praça Seca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21321-620

Location managed by Avany Assis

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